
3:30PM Discharge Rounds



Primary medicine team should notify patients and their families of discharge plan and place IDP order

  • Late call resident of each general medicine color team should attend 3:30 DC rounds on 10W

  • Report on discharge planning for the whole team (A/B) for patients on 10W, 10C, 9W

  • If you cannot make it to rounds (e.g. sick patient), please group text Debbie Kim | 917-796-2404, Victoria Emery | 646-965-3829, and Allison Falkenberg | 646-831-8259 to report that you will be absent. Send your updates or have your intern attend in your place.

  • If there are changes or updates from PM rounds, please notify the appropriate social worker as soon as possible (e.g. DC canceled, transportation needs to be delayed, etc.)

Resident Script

  • Introduce yourself and your team

  • Identify patients that are expected to leave in the next 24 hours by stating their name and unit location (e.g. John Smith on 9W)

  • Report what needs are pending for discharge (e.g. CT scan, INR, PT eval, etc.)

  • Report whether they can leave before 12pm the next day (DBN) or later in the day including the reason why not (note: goal to discharge all patients before noon if possible)

  • Report whether patient can leave on their own or if will need transport (e.g. ambulette, ambulance)

What SW Needs to Know (Details)

  • new BIPAP, CPAP, or O2 (with liters per min)

  • TPN/PPN (mildline/PICC needs to be placed prior to DC)

  • IV antibiotics (specify treatment course; mildline/PICC needs to be placed prior to DC)

  • new feeding tube or ostomy (needs RN teaching)

  • new lovenox (resident/intern must confirm with pharmacy/insurance, and patient needs RN teaching)

  • wound care (specific orders; note, VNS can only visit once daily)

  • PleurX catheters (patient needs teaching by CT surgery, and orders must be placed 24h prior to DC)

  • wound vac (forms need to be completed 2 days prior to DC)

  • undomiciled patient (need shelter forms 24h prior to DC)

  • CVS meds to beds (e-prescribe to 5772 at least 2 hours prior to DC or day before for DBN)

  • undocumented/uninsured patient (for SW to get meds must e-prescribe to Icahn Pharmacy at least 2 hours prior to DC)

  • needs dialysis on day of DC (call renal to schedule 1st shift for day of DC)

  • home care services (DC summary must be shared by 2pm day prior to DC)